I'm mildly dyslexic, and spell check is my friend. So I'm very grateful to azmanam (a blogger and an organic chemistry professor at a liberal arts university) for creating the Chemical Dictionary. It's an add-in file for Microsoft Word (or OpenOffice) that adds 104,662 words to your spell checker.
Thus, the autocorrect feature will stop trying to change your UV absorbance into an absorbency, and phenolphthalein will only have the wavy red underline when you type it incorrectly. Spell check actually becomes useful for chemistry papers. J Chem Ed had a brief article on this resource, so I think a lot more people are becoming aware of this resource.
One of the really great things about this is that its constructed by scientists for scientists. The earlier version allowed users to suggest new additions, so a lot of people from various fields contributed to the current dictionary. This really has made typing up chemistry papers much easier.